Ray's Rentals L.L.C.
Affordable Apartments & Housing
in Fairbanks and North Pole, Alaska
Phone Number:  (907) 488-1001

Current Vacancies (note: links going to our Craig's List ads not recently updated)

More information & photos about all our apartments on our Facebook page!

General information about our properties.

Simple list of all available apartments.  Note that if an apartment needs repairs you can rent it for storage at 50% off!!

Note: We are selling some buildings.  Details.

Note: date in parentheses is the date the Facebook ad was reviewed & boosted.  Date in brackets is the posting date.

We support the International Space Exploration and Colonization Company       
& a Sri Lankan orphanage.

Ray also runs the blog Defeating Aging
about the accelerating science of slowing aging.

The current copyright laws protect this page, even though not specifically copyrighted.

However if you want to use portions of it feel free to do so, though I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge my authorship.

Last revised May 2020.